n an unexpected turn of events, I stumbled into an opportunity that I couldn't pass up!
Beginning Nov. 27th, I will be expanding my services to a different clinic, three hours north of the Bay. Long story short, I'm going to be taking over Coast Family Acupuncture, a clinic in Fort Bragg, Mendocino county. This means I will be spending a majority of the week up in Mendocino BUT! I'll still be offering acupuncture at 6536 Telegraph in Oakland on Saturdays. I want to reassure everyone that my commitment to your health and well-being remains unwavering. I understand the importance of continuity and consistency in your acupuncture treatments, and hope to make this transition as seamless as possible. I deeply value the relationships we've built, and your health is of the upmost importance to me. If you have any questions, concerns, etc., about this transition, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to continuing our wellness journey together! -EJ
Every Tuesday over Zoom, I will be offering 30 minutes of Zen meditation. The meditation period will be followed by a short group check-in and Q&A to close the evening. The evening starts at 6 PM SHARP! HERE'S THE LINK FOR THE ZOOM ROOM (This is being offered on a donation basis. Please send support that you’d like to offer to my Venmo: @ej-fry) I'm also offering meditation instructions as part of my acupuncture services. If you've wanted to start meditation and don't know how, or have been wanting to explore various styles/traditions of meditation, please get in touch! Types of meditation that can be explored include vipasana, samatha, shikantaza (Zen meditation), and Daoist meditations like zuowang, visualizations, and light ingestion meditations. Listen to my guest spot on this podcast!I had the wonderful opportunity to have a chat with coach Anna Scott about Chinese medicine, acupuncture, life, quiet, stillness, and other fun things like that.
The questions Anna asked and the resulting dialog might help give you some insight into where I'm coming from in regards to the medicine, mindfulness, life in general, etc. I hope you listen and get something out of it. And if the podcast sparks any questions of your own, feel free to reach out and ask. I'm happy to talk about Chinese medicine anytime! -EJ LISTEN HERE! A brief message from Zhang Shi (1133-1180)
Sometimes we can all use a word or two of encouragement. Sometimes we just need a little nudge, but other times the stakes feel a lot higher, and we can lose sight of hope. My hope is that this poem provides you with its intended encouragement, and I do mean that in the literal meaning of the word: en-courage, to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope! "The light is back, the year is past, ice and frost are rare, Plants and trees all know spring is in the world We see the force of life spread before our eyes The east wind blowing, water ripples green" Hi everyone, hope spring is treating you well so far. Ready for some updates? Here we go! UPDATE #1: EJ Fry Acupuncture has moved! That's right, the new office is still in Oakland though. We're now at: 6536 Telegraph Ave (on the corner of 66th St.) Suite A101. We're right in an interesting intersection of north Oakland, south Berkeley, Elmwood, College Ave./Rockridge. Some of our new neighbors are FTW Tattoo and The White Horse Inn! Come by and say hi, I always have plenty of tea on hand. UPDATE #2: I will start doing acupuncture treatments in Mendocino! I'll be joining Jessica Curl Rose of Three Springs Acupuncture, doing treatments at the beautiful Stanford Inn. I'm very excited to start working in different locations and expanding my practice a bit! Enjoy the spring, enjoy the sunshine, get up early, stay up late, take deep breaths! -EJ Upcoming changes to EJ Fry Acupuncture:Thanks to all who replied to my survey requesting feedback about my acupuncture practice. There definitely were some common themes, and based on popular opinion, I'll be making some changes accordingly:
PLANTS Everyone wants more plants. This is unanimous :) TEA I'll be offering a wider variety of teas as well! (To be honest, I wouldn't trust an acupuncturist who doesn't have a stash of tea on hand!) SOUND MACHINE The treatment room can sometimes get noisy, since it's on the street. I'll be adding a sound machine to the room to help with that. I also encourage you to bring your own personal music or sounds that help you relax! EYE PILLOW Yes. SNACKS! Never underestimate the value of snacks! Aside from being helpful in the middle of the day, they can be absolutely essential...you don't want to receive acupuncture on an empty stomach. AND if there are any other changes you'd like to suggest...feel free to let me know! I want your acupuncture experience to be as comfortable and inviting as possible, -EJ TRIPLE TREASURE TUESDAYS!
(I know it's not as catchy as Meditation Mondays, but what canyado?) Every Tuesday over Zoom, I will be offering 30 minutes of Zen meditation. The meditation period will be followed by a short group check-in to close the evening. The evening starts at 6 PM SHARP! If interested, please get in touch for the zoom link. This is being offered on a donation basis. Please send support that you’d like to offer to my Venmo: @ej-fry Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected] Some important updates!It's a new (gregorian) year, and there are some changes happening at EJ Fry Acupuncture!
Frist of all, happy new year! I hope your holidays were great. They can be a very taxing time in many ways, so I hope that if that was the case there was some easy and joy in there too. I will be offering meditation over zoom on Mondays, so naturally I'm calling it Meditation Monday! It starts at 6pm SHARP. It will be 40 minutes of Zen meditation, followed by a quick group check-in to close the evening. HERE is the link for the zoom room. Please share with anyone who you feel might be interested. I will still be in the office doing acupuncture, herbs, and all that good stuff on Wednesdays...the only difference is that now Wednesdays will be exclusively for sliding scale patients. (And, my other office days, Friday and Saturday, will be sliding scale always for BIPOC.) Lastly, for now, if you've received any benefit from treatments with me, or just feel the urge to give a shout-out, please write a short, quick review on Yelp or Google. You'll be helping out a local small business, and you'll get 50% off your next appointment as well!! Thanks, -EJ The most common responses to my question in my last newsletter, what would you most want to learn about Chinese medicine, were 1) easy things that can be done at home to promote health and 2) herbal medicine.
I'll be working on some classes to cover these topics, and hopefully will be able to offer them soon either in person or over Zoom. (Zoom could be great so folks from all over the country could join!) In the meantime, your responses made me think about the first chapter of the Huang Di Nei Jing, which is a seminal text outlining the principles of Chinese medicine. It' says: "The people of high antiquity who knew the Way, they modeled their actions on yin and yang, they compiled with the arts and numbers" Numbers, in this case, refers to the calendar, or in other words, living in accordance with the seasons. Right now according to the lunar calendar, we're in autumn! This is when yin starts to grow, and yang starts to wane. Much like when we harvest the summer's bounty, likewise we should gather, collect, and start to set aside our reserves to make it through winter. We can start to turn more inward, so it's a great time for introspection. It's also seasonally appropriate to get more rest, start to limit activity, and get to sleep earlier. We've passed the summer solstice, believe it or not. Is it just me or is there lots going on? My goodness.
Covid. In early June, I finally joined the esteemed ranks and tested positive for Covid. I had most of the typical symptoms: cough, no energy, sore throat, no sense of smell. I took a few different herbal formulas, which helped for a speedy recovery. One of these formulas is something I'd like to share with you. It's used to prevent Covid, treat an active case, as well as treat any long Covid symptoms. I packaged these herbs myself to the correct dosages, so let me know if you'd like to buy some! (Formula pictured below.) Summer. We've passed the solstice, or xia zhi 夏至, a time when the days start to get shorter and the seasonal yang energy starts to revert back to yin. How do we live in accord with this season? Some of the things we can do are: going to sleep before the zi 子 hour, which is midnight, and get up early, but be sure to take a midday nap as well! Also we should focus on eating foods that are more cooling in nature, like winter melon, plums, tomatoes, peaches, and mung beans. SCOTUS. Apparently our nation's so-called Supreme Court is declaring war on citizens with uteruses. As we are taken against our will further into a nightmarish dystopia, remember we're all in this together and it's going to be crucial to take extra good care of ourselves and of each other. For those of us with more privilege, it's on us to show up for those who don't have as much voice or visibility during these times. In good health, EJ |
AuthorEJ Fry, L.Ac. Archives
November 2023
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